Food For Thought.

Bastian Fischer Bastian Fischer

Sustainability Questionnaire

🌱 Welcome to this fun questionnaire designed to assess your sustainability efforts and help you determine the best tools to communicate these efforts to your audience. Let's get started!

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Bastian Fischer Bastian Fischer

The Truth Behind Greenwashing: A Guide to Spotting Misleading Sustainability Communication

As a media specialist, I understand the prevalence of greenwashing in today's consumer market. Greenwashing occurs when companies make false or misleading claims about their sustainability practices to appeal to consumers. This can be confusing for consumers who genuinely want to support companies that prioritize sustainability. It is crucial that consumers know how to differentiate between greenwashing and genuine sustainability communication to make informed decisions and hold companies accountable for their actions. I've compiled a few tips to help you spot the difference in this jungle of the dark arts.

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